We hold monthly launches from March through October at Concordia Seminary, 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46825. The latitude and longitude of the launch site are 41.138813, -85.107355.
The field is grass, with a paved parking lot.
Membership in our club is encouraged but not required to fly with us.
Our launches are sanctioned by both NAR and Tripoli, and held under the Tripoli Safety Code.
Our local launches are also flown under Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 101 as Class 1 rocket launches. This limits propellant mass to 125 grams (small "H" motors or below), and the liftoff weight to less than 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs.).
All launches are on Sunday afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30.
Sunday, March 16 - Canceled (weather)
Sunday, April 20
Sunday, May 18
Sunday, June 15
Sunday, July 20
Sunday, August 17
Sunday, September 14 (Second Sunday of the month)
Sunday, October 19